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Expressions are part of a Server List Profile's condition system and allows you to define when a profile should and should not be displayed.

This page covers what the Expression system of AdvancedServerList offers and can do.



An expression contains different types of components that are evaluated to return a boolean output of either true or false.
Depending on the type(s) will the output be differently understood and handled.


The following cases are considered literal values:


Any number is considered an expression, meaning the below examples are considered valid:




A String in single or double quotes is a valid expression.


Specific keywords will be treated as Binary Operators even if they are part of a word.
As an example, Sand would cause the expression engine to see S AND due to parts of the word matching and.

To avoid this is it very important to always surround Strings with single or double quotes, as that tells the expression engine to treat as a String.


"Hello World!"


Strings true and false are treated as boolean literals.


Any placeholder is a valid expression.


${player protocol}
${player name}

${server playersOnline}
${server host}

Binary Operators

<expression> <binary operator> <expression> is a valid expression.

The following binary operators can be used for boolean evaluation:

Operator True if
and / && Both expressions return true.
or / || Either expression returns true.
== / = Both expressions are equal (Case sensitive).
=~ / ~ Both expressions are equal (Not Case sensitive).
!= Both expressions are not equal (Case sensitive).
!~ Both expressions are not equal (Not case sensitive).
|- Left expression starts with right expression.
-| Left expression ends with right expression.
<_ Left expression contains right expression.
< Left expression is less than the right expression. Strings use their text length as number.
<= Left expression is less than, or equal to, the right expression. Strings use their text length as number.
> Left expression is larger than the right expression. Strings use their text length as number.
>= Left expression is larger than, or equal to, the right expression. Strings use their text length as number.

These additional binary operators can also be used to perform certain actions:

Operator Semantic
. Concatenates (merges) two Strings
+ Adds two numbers. Strings use their text length as number.
- Subtracts one number from another. Strings use their text length as number.
* Multiplies two numbers. Strings use their text length as number.
/ Divides one number by another. Strings use their text length as number.


${player name} != "Anonymous"
763 > ${player protocol} > 758
${player hasPlayedBefore} and ${player isBanned} == "false"


( <expression> ) is a valid expression. Parenthesis can be used to prevent ambiguities.


! can be used to negate boolean expressions.


!${player isWhitelisted}


This page, including some examples used, was adobted from CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki.